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Carbon Fiber Water Fed Pole, Carbon Fiber Jet Surfboard, Carbon Fiber Paddles-An overview of custom carbon fiber manufacturing and its application

An overview of custom carbon fiber manufacturing and its application

Carbon fiber is a new kind of material put to various industrial uses for enhancing the efficiency of the engine or equipment in which it is used. It is five times as strong as steel but weighs two-thirds less. This material is quite malleable during production, making it very useful for casting into different useful shapes and sizes for various industrial uses. Carbon fiber can be produced in sizes even thinner than human hair. The strands of this material can be twisted and even braided much like yarn.

Method of carbon fiber manufacturing

For manufacturing of carbon fiber, some chemical and some mechanical processes are carried out. To begin with, the material is pressurized into long strands after it is subjected to high temperatures without allowing it come into contact with oxygen. This process is known as carbonization. Bear in mind that because there is lack of demand, and skilled workers for carrying out the carbonization process are fewer, carbon fibers are not produced in bulk. As it is a very expensive process anyway, production in mass can be tried only when there is sufficient demand for it.

When carbon fiber is in processing stage, some pieces can come off. These pieces cause health hazards to workers as these are in the inhalable fine particles. They need to wear protective equipment to work. Carbon fiber is used in premium quality boats, planes, cars airplanes, Formula One cars and bicycles. Some other applications of this material are in musical instruments, marine decorations, aviation interiors and entertainment.


How replacing steel with carbon fiber improves efficiency of racing cars

If carbon fiber is used in any boat, airplane or car, it reduces its weight by 60 percent. This helps to reduce its fuel consumption by 30 percent. This is the reason why it is preferred in racing cars even if it costs a lot more than steel, and it is obvious that a reduction in weight of the vehicle also increases its racing efficiency. By using a vivid carbon racing fiber, car manufacturers can turn out smaller cars with more powerful engines. This also helps them in developing different types of engines for various cars.

If you wish to get a custom carbon fiber installed in your premium vehicle such as Porshe, Ferrari or any other, you need to get in touch with a manufacturer that has extensive experience in the same. You can find one simply by using any popular web search engine.


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