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Carbon Fiber Water Fed Pole, Carbon Fiber Jet Surfboard, Carbon Fiber Paddles-Carbon fiber hood

Carbon fiber hood

A lot of thought goes into designing and manufacturing every single part of an automobile vehicle. You would be justified in thinking that an automobile hood is a simple part. After all it is just a cover which houses the engine and adjoining support machinery. What innovations can be made into it? You are in for a surprise. This too has received attention of manufacturers. You now have carbon fiber automobile hoods

Carbon fiber is a material which is light yet strong. Any development which reduces the overall weight of a vehicle is welcome. Lighter the vehicle, the lesser is the power required to drive it. That leads to lesser consumption of fuel and lesser running expenses. Carbon fiber is also used to manufacture other products such as carbon fiber body kits.

Moreover the location of hood is at such a place that besides reducing the overall weight of the vehicle, it reduces weight on the front wheel. That gives a better balance to the vehicle and driving becomes easier.

When you undertake a journey a hood has to be opened and closed quite a few times. Either cooling liquid or water has to be put in the radiator, or some part of the machinery has to be serviced, that all involves opening and closing the hood. A hood should be able to withstand such handling. Carbon fiber hood is quite sturdy and can bear such handling. It is both durable as well as strong.


Carbon fiber is a material that is amenable to be designed into various shapes. If you so want, you can have it painted. You can thereby give the vehicle the look and style of your choice.

A carbon fiber hood is able to withstand heat, which is an advantage.

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