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Carbon Fiber Water Fed Pole, Carbon Fiber Jet Surfboard, Carbon Fiber Paddles-Accord carbon fiber hood for more refinement

Accord carbon fiber hood for more refinement

By the end of the twentieth century mankind had been making and perfecting cars for a hundred years or so. Day in and day out cars were made and while making the cars, those making them got ideas to make them better. And these ideas were evolved in actionable research and the cars got better and better. So much so that by the end of the century the car was a highly refined product with minor and major components having the benefit of careful attention, design and manufacturing. And the cars gave great value to car buyers at very reasonable costs.

But all the refinement of the past century is not enough and the car being a complex product there is room for improvement even today. And even if you own a successful and well engineered car such as a Honda Accord you can make it even better to drive.

One option for you is an Accord carbon fiber hood. Now you may wonder how changing a component that simply covers the engine compartment could help improve the drive. Well one obvious benefit is that Accord carbon fiber hoods look really cool and your car's styling will go up a few notches. You can make a dramatic style statement because the hood is a very visible part of the car and one of the first things you see. But there are more benefits.

Since carbon fiber is a light and strong material the weight of the car gets reduced. This improves the power to weight ratio for the car and as you can imagine that has a lot of knock on benefits. Beyond that since the weight is reduced at the front of the car the load on the front wheels of the car is lessened. Since we steer the car with the help of the front wheels the reduced load on them makes the handling of the car better.

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